"Ladies and Gentlemen — I fear that what I am going to say will
spoil your appetites; but the truth is beautiful at all times, and I have to
state that Mrs Lovett's pies are made of human
These words are from a Victorian book called - The String of Pearls.
It came out in 1846.
Some people say the story is
just made up but other people
say that it is based on a true story .....
There was a story set in the victorian times called Sweeny Todd and he
was a barber. Downstairs was a pie shop and every time there was a
customer at the hairdresser’s he would slice there necks and then pull
leaver so that they would slide down a shoot. Mrs
Lovett would use the meat
for the pies.
The barber shop was on Fleet Street in London.

This blade was used by Sweeny Todd to slice the victim’s
necks. Barbers really used these “cutthroat razors” to give men a
nice shave.
Penny Dreadful Novels.
Penny dreadfulls
were comics that were sold for a penny and had stories about
horrible things that had been going on, including Sweeny Todd and others.
The Real
Sweeny Todd.
Sweeny Todd could
be real and some people say he was hung in 1801 for murder, but there are no
records of anyone being hung in 1801 according to old Baily
The story of Sweeny Todd is like a legend, it could be true but it probably isn’t !