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- 2010
We've been working hard to produce a web-site
based on
Tudor Social Structure
Click on the photo to link to it.
We are not burning Guy Fawkes on the village bonfire
this November 5th !
We're burning Robert Cecil !!
this page next week to find out who he was and why he's getting burnt.
on this image to get a recipe for Pumpion Pie and Taffaty Tart
We've been
daubing our Tudor structure.
To make our daub we mixed soil, sand,
hay and clay which we dug out of
the ground.
It was really hard work !
Its hard to believe that Tudor labourers
would do work like this for 12 hours
a day. They only got paid 3p a day !
starting to get our shelter up.
Today we've been mixing cement and using
it to lay a foundation which we can
put our shelter on.
The Tudors didn't use cement for foundations,
they used stone so we've cheated a bit !
Our next job is the roof so check the site
again next week for more photos.
are working together to build
a structure
using authentic
Tudor building
techniques. |
make Poor Knights Pudding
To make Poor knights Pudding. Cut two penny loaves in round slices,
dip them in half a pint of Cream or faire water, then lay them abroad
in a dish, and beat three Eggs and grated Nutmegs and sugar, beat
them with the Cream then melt some butter in a frying pan, and wet
the sides of the toasts and lay them in on the wet side, then pour
in the rest upon them, and so fry them.
Click the image to read about what we're
Most Tudor people had
to rely on herbal remidies and old wives tales to cure them when
they were ill.
It was believe that a good cure for bauldness was to shave the head
and then rub in crushed garlic and vinegar.
Mr Stephesnon hasn't got much hair so we tried it out on him !!!
If you want to read about some of the other things we tried out
here. |
2008 - 2009
We're reading a book called Stone Cold in Class.

We've taken part in our first training walk of 2009 on Darmoor.
Loads of photos will follow but in the mean time you can click on these
exhausted walkers
to down load the route that we planned and followed.

Class 5 are heading towards their annual Ten Tors Challenge on Dartmoor
The photos show us setting up some orienteering courses on our school
This is helping us to learn about bearings and how to use compasses.
SAT Eggstavaganza
We worked on the highest tower, the longest bridge, the best looking egg,
the fastest egg and the best recipie.
on the writing to find out who the winners were in the best dressed
egg competition:
visited Rosemore Gardens in March to help us with our
study of different Habitats.
Class 5 visited the mobile planetarium at Holsworthy College and IGER
as part of Science Week.

The photos are from IGER.
here to see our new Victorian London pages .....
They are still under construction but have a look anyway
In January we were asked to write
a report on the village play-area.
Click on this image to download our report.
We've been studying Romeo and Juliet.
This picture shows us at the Queen's Hall In Barnstaple at the start of
The show was performed by Shakespear 4 Kids.
It was fantastic !!!

We've been using Knex for some technology challenges .....
ended up doing quite a lot of work on Hartland Quay so we've decided
to make a web page all about the area.
We're afraid that you'll have to click another photo to get there !
page is still under construction but don't let that stop you
from finding out how we are getting on.
2007 - 2008
are these childen so happy, and dressed for the middle
of winter in July?
Click on this picture to find out !

Sculpture Garden
We have an art teacher called Mr
Sentance who teaches us every Friday morning.
We learn lots of different styles and about different artists
and their work. We also go on visits which help us work in school.
These photos show us at Broomhill Sculpture Garden. We went their
to learn about different types of modern sculpture.
We sketched them and tried to work out what they were about.
We've started visiting Dartmoor again.
Click on this photo of the last Tor we reached to find
out about our route.
We went to Rosemore Gardens this June to learn about the different
plants and to make sketches of them.
Mr Sentance went with us. He's our art teacher and he also helps
us with the school garden.
It was a nice sunny day and we had a really good time. The gardens
were really quiet and it was really easy to concentrate on our drawing.
We bought some plants for our school garden.
On Friday 20th June our Year 5s went to Sandy Brown's ceramics work
Sandy Brown is a sculptor and a painter.
When we got there we had to help her choose which plates, cups and
trays she should send off to be put in an exhibition.
She had made them before we got there and needed help choosing the
best ones.
Then we went up stairs to see a huge painting that she was going
to finish soon.
We then walked in to a room that had some finished paintings in.
There were some colourful pictures and some pictures which contained
just one colour.
We had a great time and saw some amazing work. |
On Thursday 13th March Years 5 and 6 went on a trip to Iger,
which is a place where you get to learn about science. We went there because
we wanted
to learn about the environment and do some projects in science that we
can’t experiment with in school.
One of the projects we looked at was microbiology.
Microbiology is all about viruses and bacteria. They’re objects
that you can’t
see with the naked eye. Bacteria is found everywhere, without bacteria
you wouldn’t be alive, it is very essential. Microbiology
is a close up of viruses and bacteria.
In our experiment we looked at different types of bacteria and
discovered that not all of them are harmful. We also discovered
that bacteria are so small that in just one normal sized full
stop there are 15,000 bacteria. Bacteria are actually a good thing,
although people think that it’s disgusting. We learnt that
lots other types of bacteria make people ill, and we looked at
how they are passed around.
Viruses are infections that only grow in something living.
Viruses can only produce if they can get into a blood cell.
If they get to one person then they can spread very quickly to
other people.
By: Sam, Megan, Lauren and Matthew.
This session was about solids, liquids and gases.
We looked at how water exists as ice, water and steam.
When we were in the session we got a cube of ice, and
Put it in a glass container of boiling water and it only took a
couple of seconds to melt.
After that we had a discussion. We learned that if you put your
hand in a container of liquid nitrogen your fingers would freeze
and snap off and for a moment no blood supply would get through
but eventually it would start pouring with blood and it would hurt…..a
Then the scientist demonstrated the effect of liquid nitrogen.
He picked a flower and put it in the liquid nitrogen as the flower
went in the liquid it let this smoke stuff out, then it stopped.
The scientist took the flowers out and they were covered in frost.
He smashed the flowers in his hands like pieces of glass.
Later on he showed us how carbon dioxide which is normally a gas
can be made a solid in a special box and tank which keep them cold.
He pumped lots of the liquid into the box and it turned into a solid
block. Then he showed us that it was not as strong as ice by throwing
it onto the floor where it broke up like powder.
We learnt about soils that absorbed water quickly, the different
types of soils included were; Sandy soil, Silty soil and peat
We looked at a variety of soils, and learnt about their different
properties. We used a branching database to identify the different
types of soil we had.
One of the experiments was that we had 3 different soils, sandy
soil, silty soil and peat. We added water to each tube of soil,
and saw what water goes through the soils quicker. Peat was the
one which held the water the longest. The one which let the water
out the quickest was sandy soil.
On Thursday 13th March class 5 went to IGER, we
leant lots of things and one of the sessions was to do with Biodiversity.
Biodiversity is about the study of ‘variety of life’
meaning birds, bat’s mammals, amphibians, insects and plants.
All life forms relate to each other, for example plants give oxygen
for us to breathe, we breathe out carbon dioxide which the plants
then breathe in.
We looked at the different ways that the scientists find out which
animals live in different places. We had to try and use the information
and plants on the sheets to find out which animals we were looking
By Jess, Abbie and Ashlea.
Photosynthesis is a plant process. It is the
process that enables a plant to produce food for survival. We carried
out an investigation/experiment to prove that photosynthesis produces
oxygen and carbon-dioxide. We first got a measuring jug filled with
bicarbonate of soda and some water (about one third.) Then we filled
up a vial with the bicarbonate of soda merged with water. After
that we inserted some pond weed into the vial full of the liquid.
We then got a test-tube full of the bicarbonate soda and water combined
and put our thumb over the top of the test-tube to contain the liquid
in the tube. We put the tube over the vial to let no air, nor oxygen
escape from the tube. The plant emitted oxygen to make bubbles (very,
very small ones) and they collected in the tube.
At the last moment the lady in charge (the head scientist in the
subject of photosynthesis) gathered oxygen from the plants into
a tube. She then used a technique to prove that the air that was
contained in the jar was pure oxygen, she got a matchstick or also
known as a splint and a lit candle. She then got another splint
and shared the warmth of the flame with the bottle/tube of oxygen
with the flame. She quickly blew the flame out and the splint was
left with a glow of warmth on the very tip. She un-corked the test-tube
and stuck the splint into the pure oxygen filled container (test-tube.)
The splint suddenly sprang to life again and was lit again with
a blast of blaze. The oxygen re-lit the splint.
That concluded the lesson we had experienced in the IGER greenhouse.
The other group walked in and they had no idea what they were about
to learn. Oh yeah, and before we leave I think you’re wondering
what IGER means. Its abbreviation is………
Institute of grassland and environmental research. Wow, its good
I got that out.
By Matt, Rhiannon, Jake and Jack.
The Star Lab Planetarium
On the 11th of March, year 6 children
went to Holsworthy Community College to see the mobile Planetarium.
In the school hall there was a dome
that we crawled into and sat inside. We were there to learn about forces
and space.
The two Astronomers did a demonstration on forces using a balloon. They
blew it up and let it go, it was moved by a pair of forces.
Then they told us about friction and gravity.
They told us about the Northern
and Southern lights, you can only see them, if you’re high up, on
a hill or mountain in Scotland. After
that they got a bar magnet and put it on a table surrounded by lots of
iron files, the iron files were attracted to the north
and south pole of the magnet. They decided to make a smiley face out of
the iron files.
They got an overhead projector and
put on it a picture of different sea creatures, they explained that some
different creatures
are created in a certain shape and form, so they can cut through the water.
They told us about aero-dynamics,
and how cars, rockets and aeroplanes have certain shape to slice through
the air at a high speed!
By Lianne, Jamie, Bobby and Andrew.
Success in the Bradworthy School Christmas Fayre.
On Friday
30th November Heron's House Team and the other three school Houses
(Robins, Puffins and Magpies) were tasked to organise the Christmas
Fayre. We had been given £25 and we had to try and make
the biggest profit by sellling the craft things other Classes
made and by asking people to do our games and competitions. The
stalls ran fairly smoothly and in the end Herons won with a profit
of £203.
On the morning
of Friday 30th November none of us Herons were expecting our sales
and activities to be so popular. We started the morning with barely
any stalls set up and by the end of the morning everything was
set up. We think that our teamwork was brilliant. Everyone was
co-operative and helped with everything.
As soon as the fayre started swarms of people flooded towards
our games and stalls. As soon as this happened our profits rocketed
up giving us an excellent early start on everything.
The games we made went really well because everyone came over
to do them, you could tell they were really having a good time.
The lucky dip, teddy bear competition, Santa's Grotto and guess
the sweets game made lots of money and everyone enjoyed them.
The prices were just right and we didn't need to change them.
The people on the stalls did a pretty good job of encouraging
people to buy things and do the games. We got the prizes right
because there was no stock left at the end but we didn't run out
too soon.
We didn't
really need to improve anything because the profit was already
gigantic and our teams day ran really smoothly. Everything was
just right except that some people got a bit board, to make that
better we swopped jobs.
By the end
of the day our team was extremely happy, especially with our profit
of £203.67. This huge profit got us to the winning spot
and hopefully we can another go some-time soon.
Sam and Duncan (Year 6)
This is us on the lifeboat slip at the mouth of the river
Torridge in Appledore.
We spent the day following the river so we could see how it changes and
find out about the sort of things that go on along its banks.
We look surprisingly happy when you consider that we have just
walked over 10 miles from Torrigton !
Fortunately we caught the bus back to Torrington !!!
Torrington 1646
Torrington is a small town on the banks of the Torridge
which we visited this November.

We have been finding out about the English Civil War and there was an
important batle
in Torrington. The pictures show us on a town trail and finding out about
the way
people lived at this time.
We've published a class book which is available from school.
Class 5 River Torridge
Trip |
On Friday
the 14th of September Class 5 went on a trip to the river Torridge
at the bottom of Ash Hill.
We went on this trip to see how fast the current flows and to
look at depth and erosion.
Class5 split into two groups so that one group could draw pictures
of the river with Mr Sentance and the other half could observe
the river and run some experiments.
measured the current of the water. We two canes and string that
was precisely 10 metres apart. We timed an orange to float down
the river that started at the front of the 10 metre piece of string
and stopped at the end of the 10 metre stick. We used an orange
because it’s light and will float well.
The distance and time will tell us the precise speed of the river
in several different places |
We also
measured the depth of the river every metre as we crossed it in
different places.
We did this so that we could lokk at how deep it was and how fast
the river was moving.
Finally we look at the way the water was flowing and where there
was erosion, transportation and deposition.
The other group went with our art teacher Mr. Sentence to draw.
They drew any creatures, plants… and most of all, the River
Torridge and how it flowed. They really enjoyed this because it
was a bright, sunny day and they could see a clear sky with no clouds…
it was a beautiful scene.
Class 5 really
enjoyed this trip because they got to draw, watch, estimate…and
just have fun!

By Matt Smart and Megan Winfield
information coming soon !
2006 - 2007
Click on this photo to find out about our
London trip.
10 Tors

Click this photo to find out why we are
so happy.
Creative Writing
We've been doing lots of creative writing in
our local environment.
We've been to lots of differnt places including Hawker's Hut on
the cliffs near Morwenstow
Marsland Mouth which is where part of Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley
is set. |
white horses rushed on to shore then tumbled on to the jagged
rocks that lay beneath them.
Watching, staring with her huge white eyes, gazing from above,
her white dress blown out behind her, her black curles blown out
to one side. Her face was as white as snow, her lips as red as
ruby. The white which watched from the cliff tops, her laugh echoed
all around.
This was written by me at Marsland Mouth beach and was inspired
by the boo Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley.
Jess (Year 5)
I listen to
the white waves, crash against the rocks.
I listen to the birds fly, in their flowing flocks.
I listen to the smooth pebbles, rumbling against eachother.
I listen to the ghostly cries, pleading altogether.
I weep,
I cry for those poor things.
Sometimes I listen to the church bells ring.
I don't know who they were,
I don't know what they did.
I don't know who killed them .....
who, who, who?
Meg (Year 5)
gentle summer breeze,
the swaying summer trees.
The birds are singing their lovely song,
I wish that I could sing along.
The sun shines bright, it shines so clear.
Its warm and calming, free from fear.
The grass is green, the flowers bloom,
The only problem, it will end soon.
So make the most of your summer time,
it gives you the change to shine.
Lianne (Year 5)
In Class 5 we have been reading a book called Stone Cold.
It is about a boy called Link who's
parents split up and his mum met Vince who liked to drink. When he did
he was violent. Link
didn't like this so he went to stay with his older sister Carol. After
a while he wasn't welcome so
he started to live on the streets. He called it "making yourself
He couldn't get much money on the streets so after Christmas he went to
London with £150.
Within two hours he had spent £100 to stay in a dirty hostel. After
a week and a half he was asked to
pay for the next couple of weeks but he didn't have enough money so "rat
face" (the hostel owner)
through him out.
The book had another character called Shelter, an x-army soldier. He was
on a mission to clean up the
the streets by killing homeless people.
So Link's alone on the streets. What will he do?
I won't tell you what happens, you'll have to buy the book yourself.
The book was very realistic and exciting. You could imagine what it must
be like to live on the streets.
I really recommend this fabulous book written by Robert Swindells.
Ruth (Year 6)
primary school went to Cookworthy Forest. We looked at the different
habitats and creatures that lived there. The ranger had gone out
a few days before and set some traps to see what lived in the
woods. We caught bank voles and wood mice. After we looked at
them we released them back into the woods.
We also looked at the grassland and wild flowers that grew in
the meadow.
we had our packed lunches in the centre at Cookworthy Forest.
In the afternoon we went pond dipping for creatures. We played
some games in the woods. It was good fun.
(Year 6)
Junior Life Skills
These children are sitting on a
sofa which they built with our art teacher Mr Sentance.
We visited some local beaches where we collected driftwood.
We brought the wood back to school and used it to make furniture.
As well as this sofa we made a table and a chair.
Quay |
On Monday
18th September class 5 of Bradworthy Primary School went to Hartland
Quay and Spekes Mill Mouth to study erosion and rock sediments.
The cliffs got eroded by the waves reaching up
on to the beach and crashing against the cliffs and eventually
wearing them down and making a landslide of rocks. We had to look
out for faults in the cliff so we did not to walk under, as it
is dangerous. Once the rocks had fallen on to the beach the sea
would eventually rub over the rocks and smooth them down into
pebbles. This is called attrition. A storm beach is at the top,
it is where the sea picks up the rocks on the shore and launches
them at the cliff face. This is called abrasion.
When we looked out to the sea from the wave cut platform which
is like a beach, we could see an erosional surface, Lundy Island.
Lundy Island was made by Gondwana and Eurussia two slabs of rock
pushing together to form the Variscan Mountains. Over millions
of years the Mountains have been weathered with the water running
in to a basin, they have also been eroded down now there is not
much left of them just the ribs.
is a picture of a river valley. The river is meandering its way
through and eroding as it goes. The river would erode the mudstone
first and very slowly the sandstone. It erodes the mudstone first
because it is a lot softer than sandstone.
The river is a river valley because it has very steep sides and
a river flows through it. Near the end of the river it flows over
the sedimentary rock and flows off a hanging valley into the sea.
A hanging valley is a cliff that hangs over the sea.
This is St Catherine’s Tor we went there
to look at the way it had been eroded by the sea. There used to
be valley sides on both sides but the sea has eroded one side now.
Be fore it got eroded a little chuirch was on the top. When the
sea eventually eroded the Tor the building fell into the ocean.
The sandstone and mudstone have compressed together to make the
rock inside the Tor and you can see it just like at Hartland Quay.
St Catherine Tor is now a very good example of erosion.
Ruth and Meg said”We had a
great day out and we learnt a lot of new and interesting things”
The whole class enjoyed and learnt new and intelligent things we
also went on a very long walk.
About 5 miles along the cliffs!
By Meg and Ruth ( Year 6 ) |
on Dartmoor ( October 2006 ) |
Before we
went out we had to do a lot of preparation
work in school.
This included:
Practicing our navigation skills in school.
Planning a route using OS Maps.
Using ICT equipment to produce detailed route cards.
Its just as well we practiced because when we got
there the conditions were absolutely
terrible !!!

Is that Highwillhays in the mist? |

Lunch under cover ( thank God for the shelter!!! ) |

Lints Tor, 10 seconds before the rain started. |

Typical Dartmoor weather on Sourton Tor - Gale Force Fog! |
are working on a web page all about our local area and we hope that
it will be posted here in the new school year.
- 2006
Check out the School
Trips page to find out about our excellent trip to North Wales.
( click on the photo below to get there )
The pictures
show us on each of the five Tors.
Starting at the top we walked to Yes Tor, High Willhays, Black Tor,
Shelston Tor, and Sourton Tor.
The report has been written by Meg Furse who is in Year 5.
Year 5s Complete 5 Tors on Dartmoor.
On Thursday 13th July Bradworthy School's Year 5s walked
on 5 of Dartmoor's Tors.
The group was Mr Stephenson, Mrs Brown, Jonny Furse, Elliot Lewis,
Meg Furse, Tom Vallence, Becky Andrew, Daniella Stevens, Jade
Gifford, Ruth Payne and Hannah Petherick.
We started at Meldon Reservoir and from there we walked to:
Yes Tor, High Willhays, Black Tor, Shelston Tor and finally Sourton
The path to the first Tor very steep in places. It took us about
an hour to reach the summit. We walked so fast we nearly killed
the adults walking with us!!!!
Then we walked across to High Willhays, the highest moutain in
the South West. We all sat on the Tor and ate lunch together.
After lunch we walked down hill, it was quite marshy in places,
then we reached Black Tor. We didn't stay here long.
Form here we walked down very wet and uneven ground until we got
to a river. We had to use stepping stones to get to the other
side. Mr Stephenson and Jonny went across first to help us. No
one fell in a part from one. Mr Stephenson!!!! There's always
Then we walked up a very steep hill towards Shelstone Tor. The
views were amazing towards the end but earlier on it was misty
so you couldn't see too far in to the distance. As we walked on
the weather cleared and we had brilliant sunshine.
Then we got to Sourton Tor, this was our fifth and final Tor.
It was a long walk back to the car but we all made it.
We really enjoyed ourselves but were really tired by the end.
Music Mix
These photos
show final rehearsals in school the day before the Music Mix.
Class 5 performed
the official school song, Star Child, at the Devon Music Mix at
the Westpoint Arena near Exeter on July 28th 2006.
The school has been performing at these events for several years,
so it’s now become a tradition.
We have been practising since March and in that time Daniella
has learnt how to play the tune on the piano.
The day was great especially the beat boxing and
break dancing, everyone in the class loved it. There was a samba
band that was great. Bradley, Becky and Douglas thought that was
the best. The other great thing was Chinese dancing with ribbons.
The best part of the day was our performance and
we will always remember the moment when we played and the audience
The performance was really good and we didn’t make any mistakes.
Afterwards we felt amazed that we had done this, all the hard
work was worth it!
Shane, Elliot and Robert learned to play a rhythm
and the whole class learnt the music on the ocarina.
I learnt how to play the xylophone while Jessie, Freya and Amy
learnt how to play the glockenspiel.
Ben played the kazoo and Debbie played the electric guitar.
Bradley played the swami whistle and
Jessie, Amy and Freya sang solos.
Ruth, Jade, Hannah, Becky and Meg played the drums and Amy played
the thumb piano for the first time ever.
“I think it’s a good song and our performance was
great, Mr Dawson is such a brilliant music teacher, and it’s
great that we went and performed on stage!” quoted Bradley
Mr Stephenson said he was very proud of us all.
By David Fairbrother
The Sculpture Park
On Tuesday
15th may, class 5 from Bradworthy school went to a sculpture park.
Afterwards we went to Northam Borrows to make sculptures of our
Class 5 had
a great time when we went to Broomhill Sculpture park on Tuesday
15th May. We spent about two hours looking around the amazing
statues by lots of different artists. Some were very small and
some were very big. But my favourite sculpture was an enormous
dragon made out of wood, it was painted silver so it looked as
if it was made of metal.
After lunch we went to Northam Borrows to make our own sculptures
in the sand. We used stones, sticks and all sorts of things washed
up by the tide. Some of our sculptures dug into the ground and
others raised up into the air.
Everyone enjoyed
their day out, Bradley. From our class, said "I liked looking
at the sculptures, they are all weird and wacky. The best thing
of all was
when we were at the beach."
By Thomas
These two photos show us attaching the Bradworthy sculpture
which we designed to the side of our school shed.
Our Willow Dome
is the latest picture of our willow dome.
As you can see its coming along really well.

Junior Life Skills
Life Skills is a really cool event which is held at Fremington Army
Camp each year.
We take part in loads of different sessions which are run by people
like the Fire Service, the Coastguard, the Police, the School Nurses,
St John's Ambulance and Environmental Health.
The sessions are really good fun and we learn all about how to be
healthy and safe. |
History Project
Class 5 have been investigating
and researching local history.
We have produced a book based on the local port of Bideford in Tudor times.
Many of the children will have brought a book home but if you haven't
seen one yet they are available in school.
The children
have been working with Mr Sentance to produce pottery tiles and
mugs in a traditional North Devon style.
This type
of pottery was exported from Bideford to places like North America
during the 17th centuary.
one of the children's mugs broke when they were making it so we
are going to fire and bury it in the hope of confusing future
historians who might find it.
out the School Grounds page for pictures of us building a willow dome
which will
eventually be used as an outdoor classroom.
We've been studying Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
One of thethings we have done is to look at Juliet's famous balcony speech
The moon shines brightly on the orchard of the Capulets' house.
There is a balcony, like a carved stone pocket, from which Juliet
surveys the moonlight.
"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse
thy name . . .
Tis but thy name that is my enemy; thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell
as sweet:
so Romeo would, were he not Romeo called. Romeo, doff thy name, and for
thy name,
which is no part of thee, take all myself."
speech inspired the children to write in prose about how Romeo and Juiet
might have been
feeling at this part
of the the play.
Juliet was sitting on the balcony with her white wine sparkling
in the moon light. Her night gown wrapped round her, she still had
the smell of Romeo on her.
She got up and walked into her room, she sat at her dressing table
and looked in the mirror as she brushed her hair. A tear rolled
down her cheek, and another, and another. She shut her door and
closed her curtains, then she blew out the candle, and climbed into
bed. All night she lay awake thinking about Romeo.
Nurse came in and lay next to her, she said gently 'are you ok Juliet?
Your pillow is wet, how about I make us both some coco and you tell
us all about it.'
So nurse got the coco and they sat side by side, Juliet wiped her
eyes with a handkerchief.
'So what happened?' asked nurse.
'Romeo, Romeo I fell in love with Romeo,' started Juliet.
'And what is so wrong about that,' whispered nurse.
'A Montague, he is a Montague,' she sobbed.
'Oh No!' cried nurse.
'Please don't tell anyone, please,' pleaded Juliet.
'Ok I promise, but you can't be in love with him any more,' explained
'I know, but if this flower was called something else would it still
smell and look the same?' asked Juliet.
'Yes of course,' replied nurse.
'Well then, so does my Romeo, I don't care if he is a Montague or
not I am still in love with him, he is still my Romeo,' Juliet whispered.
Juliet lay down and fell into a deep sleep.
By Ruth ( Year 5 )
Drunken men danced round the
bar waving their bottles as Romeo and
Mercutio sat down drinking rum.
"Why tis it that thy not have fun, art thou missing dear
Juliet," Mercutio asked
"Thy ladys beauty is more powerful than a thousand stars,"
Romeo glugged
down more rum.
"Why must her name be Capulet, my father thy not agree
with my love with
sweet Juliet,” moaned Romeo.
"Doff thy Capulet, what’s wrong with lady Rosalyn
!" Mercutio began to get
"Deny thy name, Juliet isn't my enemy, tis other Capulets,
for Juliet is
sweet and harmless!"Romeo spoke with a loving rage in his
”Tis loving Juliet, loving Juliet is thy sin and I will
have no part of
this !" grumbled Mercutio as he stormed off.
By Oliver ( Year 6 )
work is an important part of our work in geography.
In the pictures below we are looking at the features and course
of the river Torridge ahead of some field trips. |
We're standing in the River Torridge near Bradworthy.
There'e been quite a lot of rain over the last few days and
these photos show us takng measurements between the showers.
We are going to use these measurements to work out the speed
of the river in meters per second.
We are also going to calculate the volume of water which is
flowing each second.
If we get any dry weather this winter we are going to go back
so that we can compare our wet
weather results.
Dry weather arrived a few days after the above
pictures so back we went.
We've got some excellent results and we hope to publish some of
them on this page after half term. |
We have
already started work on a technology progect.
The children
in these picturse are building and testing joints so that they can
go on to make strong structures.We have been considering what makes
a strong joint and how loads at different points effect strength.
We are going to build some big working models so keep checking this
page for more information.

We've started work on a playground mosaic with Mr Sentance.
In science we have been studying solids, liquids and gases.
We've been thinking about their properties and this has included
measuring mass and volume by displacement, so that we can calculate
We have been thinking about how molecules are joined in each
and how adding, or taking away, energy can cause materials
to change.
In these pictures we are setting up investigations so that we
find out what effects evaporation.
Investigation is a very important part of science. We are thinking
fair tests, making predictions and taking measurements which are
as accurate as possible.
Our work on evaporation and condensation will help us
to understand the water cycle and will link in
to our geography work on rivers.
2004 - 2005

This is the Year 6
class who transferred to Holsworthy College in Summer 2005. As they go
forward to their new schools we hope that they will remember all of the
things that we have done together, all of the good times that we have
had and all of the things that we have achieved, and remember them with
pride and satisfaction.
I hope that they will go on to achievements which are bigger and better
than the things which they did at Bradworthy but I also hope that you
will remember us because we will always remember you.
It has been a great pleasure and a privilege to teach all of these children
and everyone at Bradworthy wishes them the very best for the future.
Has anyone got any ideas about what we are going to call our
new head ?
This is Mr Sentance.
He's been our art teacher all year and we've done loads of fantastic
things with him.
In the summer
we worked on the school grounds, building sculptures, quiet areas
and making the shed look nice again.
We got the idea for these poles when we visited
the sculpture garden at Broomhill on the other side of Barnstaple. |