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2010 - 2011
here for term dates
School Clubs - Autumn 2010
Lunch Club |
After School Club |
Monday |
Girl’s Football
Multi – Sports (KS 1), run by Year 6 children.
Team Football
Tuesday |
Gymnastics (Year 1 and 2)
Football (KS 2)
Netball (KS 2)
Art ( ? )
Football (KS 1)
Tae Kwon Do (Year 5/6)
Climbing (Year 5)
Art (Year 3/4)
Tag Rugby
Brass Band
Climbing (Year 5)
Multi – Sports (KS 1)
Multi – Sports (KS 1), run by Year 6 children
Surfing and other Adventurous Sports
Drama / Choir
- 2010
These are our Year 6 Leavers on the last day of term with their shirts signed.
We'd all like to wish them the very best for the future.

"Fleasops Flabulous Fables"

Click the photo for lots more images of our Year 3/4 Play.
Luke was our Year 6 winner of the PTA's Easter Egg competition this year.
Photos of Luke's winning entry, "The Stig", and of all of the other winners will
appear after Easter.

Our Parish Council have run an anti-litter competition and our children have produced posters to try and spread the don't litter our village message.
The children who won the competition were given an Easter Egg and their posters will be on display in the village.
The message is very simple - we are very lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world. So lets look after our environment.
Sport Relief - "Mad Mile" |
Video footage coming soon on the Sports Page .........
Coming Soon - "The Cabinet of Curiosities"
As you may know each year the school have held an exhibition of some sort. For example last year we did the
Flying Fish in the Enchanted Forest. Everyone made a fish and they were all amazing!
We already have a Cabinet of Curiosities up in school and these are some of the things in it:
Of course they aren’t real they are just mythical!
Some time between Easter and half term we are holding our exhibition again!
We are having a cabinet of curiosity and some astro-physics (stars).
We are all making stars and so far they are fantastic. They are all unique and everyone’s are different.
They will be hanging from some wooden frames that will be nailed to the ceiling and they will look like real stars!
When the cabinet goes up in the hall it will look brilliant I can’t wait and by then I’m sure we will
have a lot more curiosities too.
Without our art teacher Mr Sentence none of this would be possible, we are very grateful and would love to say
a massive, massive thank you to him.
By Chelsea and Ellie
Steel Burnt by Biscuit |
History was made at IGER on the 19th of March when a Pyromaniac (explosive expert) burnt through solid steel with a biscuit !
This was observed by the children of years five and six of Bradworthy School, they saw metal sizzled by a biscuit.
The pyromaniac introduced a tightly woven steel net and placed the biscuit on it. He then set alight to the digestive and pulled away quickly as it erupted into a tongue of flame. The Bradworthy children watched in awe as the biscuit burnt spectacularly.
When it had burnt out he removed the steel net and held it up for all to see. To the audiences shock, we could see through the net!
The Science of It…
So lets get this straight, you can’t just set light to a biscuit and watch metal melt. You have to do the maths first! (Or science rather.)
First the pyromaniac soaked the biscuit in Liquid oxygen to oxygenise the digestive so that the fire could burn better and hotter. It did this because fire burns on the oxygen as well as the fuel.
All of the biscuit burnt at once, not just the outer layer.
So now you can you can say you’ve heard everything, even beating metal with a biscuit !
Alice and Holly
day of term - Spring 2010
Are these children terrified or excited ?
These pictures are from our final rehearsals for our Christmas Play
"Scooby Dooby Doo" so it must be fear !!!
Santa in his Grotto at our annual Christmas Craft Fayre.
Don't tell anyone but this isn't the real Santa
was a bit too busy to come along !!!
As usual the children in Year 6 competed in their
House Teams to make the biggest profit.
We'll be placing the winning teams report on their performance
on the Class 6 web page this week.
children in Class 6 have been working
really hard to produce
a web-site based on Tudor Social Structure
Click on the photo to link to it.
raised just over £200 for
Children in Need
by holding a non-uniform day
and by selling cakes
which we baked at home and
sold in school at break time
Why is Lois looking like this?
Click her photo to visit our Sports News page and find out.
This isn't Guy Fawkes it's Robert Cecil but we're still going
to burn
him on the village bonfire this 5th November.
the photo to find out more .........

We've been working with Mr Dawson in a Steel Band Workshop.
Some competition for our Brass Band ?
Probably Not !
.......... but we're having loads of fun !
5 and 6 have been visiting the 1646 experience in Torrington.
We've been learnign about the battle and finding out about
how people lived during the Stuart period of British history. |

Class 6 we are building a structure using Tudor building techniques.
Click on the photo to visit our Class 6 page.

Since the start of the Autumn Term 2009
we have been running Six Classes.
Unfortunately we have had to set one of them up in our hall but
are happy to put up with this for a while because it means
our children can be taught in average class sizes
of less than 23 children per teacher.
Lunch |
School |
Monday |
Girl's Football
Band Club |
Tuesday |
(Years 3 and 4)
Multi Sports (KS 1)
(KS 2)
Netball (KS 2) |
Wednesday |
( Years 5 and 6 )
Thursday |
Rugby (KS 2)
Key Stage 1 Football
Friday |
( Years 5 and 6 ) |
Brass Club has started again.
In addition to free tuition each week the children also
attend Brass Group where they get the chance to play together.
- 2009
We started off with 30 children involved in walks on Dartmoor
and in
the end only these few were left !
The only ones to successfully complete our most extreme sporting
event .........
......... The Ten Tors Dartmoor Challenge !!!
Year 5 and 6 visited London on their residential
trip this summer.

Click on the image to see more photos.
few years ago we got in to the Guiness Book of Records by
performing the World's biggest Maypole Dance.
This year we have achieved another first .........
Our Year 5 children climbed to the top of High Willhays
on Dartmoor which at 621m is the highest point in the South
of England.
A timely break in the weather allowed us to perform two
dances to an accompaniment from Mr Dawson on the accordion. |
Tag Rugby team are North Devon Champions !!!
Go to our sports page to see more
photos and to read a report.
This is Class 5's first Dartmoor training walk and we're already
on top of a mountain.

The hot weather over the last coupe of
weeks has put us in mind of foreign parts.
The children have started to learn to drum with Mr Dawson
and we've even started to think about holding an Africa
Its certain to rain now.
A couple of years ago we got in to the Guiness Book of Records
by holding
the biggest ever maypole dance with over 100 children dancing
at the same time .........
......... with the help of Mr Dawson we're dancing
again this year.
All we need now is a good idea for another record attempt !!!
Back on the Water Again .........

Our sailing club is back on.
The first session took place in beautiful sunshine, but only a
light breeze !
Lots of excitement at Woodlands on the Year 3 Residential Trip

Click on the image to see more photos.
the start of this Half Term the children will need to wear
a cap when they are outside and especially when they are
on trips. It would be great
if they all had one of these School Caps.
They are available at the bargain price of only £2
You can order them from our School Office.
If you don't want to buy a cap from school please ensure
that your child has an alternative plain royal blue cap. |
Who are these stern faced Victorians ?
......... and in particular who is the strangely
bearded young lady on the left ?

Click on the image to find out !
Class 5 Eggstravaganza
As an escape from the dreaded Tests
Class 5 held and Eggstravaganza during SAT Week.
On of the things we did was cook egg-based recipies.
Go to Class 5's page to find out
who won and what else we go up to .........
Community Fun Day - School Art Exhibition
In addition
to giving us the opportunity to show the world the fantastic
art work which the children have been producing this term
the community fun day gave all of these agencies and groups
the chance to meet local people and show them all of the
things that they can offer.
The weather was terrible - four solid hours of pouring rain
- but the turn out was great and we certainly had loads
of muddy fun !!!
These were the groups that attended:
Bradworthy Archive
Sumo Suits
Womens Institute
Brownies & Guides
Bradworthy Vehicle Museum
Carnival Committee
Citizens Advice Bureau
Community Action North Devon
Bradowrthy Credit Union
Devon Care & Repair
Forestry Commission
Holsworthy Adult & Communityl learning
Holsworthy Childrens Centre
Horse Watch
Playing Field Committee
Ruby Country
Senior Council
South West Lakes
Smart Club
St John Ambulance
Torridge District Council
5x30 excercise workshop
Taw & Torridge Volunteer Services
Twinning Committee
Wheels to Work
you want to see more photographs of our art exhibition follow
the link to homework and school work and click art.
Our PTA have bought us some Brass instruments
and the school
is paying for a lucky group of children to have weekly
lessons from Paul.
Before you know it we'll be marching up and down the
village square. |
Red Nose Day continued on the 20th March when Liam in Year 6 had
a sponsored hair cut !
The pictures show before, during and after and even though it
all Liam's idea his mum is delighted !!
raised another £140 which means our school total is getting
near £600.
Nose Day at
Bradworthy School
We wore what we wanted, sold hundreds of
Red Nose Cakes, held a Silly Dance Competition and played
some silly sports.
We also had a special prize draw.
Guess what the prize was ......... |
pictures show the lucky winners
claiming their prize.
Amazingly hardly anyone wanted a
cuddle afterwards !!!
Thanks to everyone we raised an incredible
£421 !!!
Click the Red Nose above to find out
about how it will be used. |
Class 5 visited IGER on Wednesday 11th March as part of Science

Jerry the Clown taught us all about sound
at the end of our visit.
We're working on an IGER page which you will be
able to get to by
clicking the photo, when we've finished it !!!
Our "Gifted and Talented" Art Group spent the day working
with the famous
artist Sandy Brown from Appledore.
her to visit Sandy's Website.
out the Class 5 page for more pictures and a report.
Our plans for Tuesday afternoon were high jacked by Class 5 who
decided that
as it was Pancake Day we should make pancakes !
How could we argue ........
pictures show a perfect flip !
Unfortunately we didn't have enough frying pans for a race .........
maybe next year !!
Most of the pancakes tasted great although the Chille and Cumin
flavoured ones were interesting !!!
had some snow for the first time in years on Monday 2nd
There was just enough for a snowball fight on the playground
..... but only just enough !!! |
this is a bit more like it ......... |
this is a lot more like it ......... |
Hoodie Comes to Town
year’s school play at Bradworthy school was ROBIN
HOODIE .We performed three shows this year. They were on
Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th. We have
worked on this play since September and I think it all paid
In the play we have the sissy Robin Hoodie
(played by Ben). I think he would rather play with his
Barbie than do this play!
Next we have his bunch of sissy merry men (Will, Tuck,
LJ and Much).
Now lets move on to Moody Marion (played by Lauren), Marion
is an all round tomboy and with her lady in waiting (Ashlea)
they plan to take down the baddies.
The baddies are the evil Show-Off of Nottingham (Jake)
some Guy from Gisborne (Abigail) and Prince John (Rachel),
they don’t get along with Robin and his merry men,
and they plan to destroy Robin.
Last but not least The 4 JESTERS, Jester 1 (Beth) Jester
2 (Erin) Jester 3 (Sophie) and Jester 4 (Abbie).
The Jesters get up to all sorts of fun which includes
doing funny dances, saying silly things and much more
stupid stuff.
That’s all the main actors but there are also many,
many more actors, singers and dancers…..
The whole play would not have happened
with out the help of Mr Furber (our director), Mr Dawson
(our song writer) and Miss Daniel. I am sure they are
all very proud of us!!
We think it was the best play in the world
And the audiences agreed !!!
Abbie and Lauren (Year 6)
There are more photos on our Drama
and Music page.
On Thursday morning we went down to the village church to
have our Christmas Carol Service.
We do this every year.
Lots of parents came and they helped us to sing some lovely
Some of the Year 6 children read from the Bible and Mr Stephenson
talked about Christmas.
Rev. Dorrington said a prayer at the end.
It was really nice to go to church.
We hope that eveyone has a happy Christmas. |
The dress rehearsal for Robin Hoddie is taking
place on Monday 15th December.
These Jesters seem ready .........
had a great time at our annual Christmas Meal.
In addition to the fantastic food which was cooked by Janet
and Angie in our kitchen there was Christmas music, crackers,
party poppers,and balloons which fell from the ceiling.
The adults brought our food and drinks to our tables.
Thank you to everyone who made the meal so good. |
You can download a form from the newsletter at
the bottom of this page (27.11.2008),
e-mail us at info@bradworthy.devon.sch.uk or ring 01409 241365.
2008 |
children in Class 5 planned, organised and ran our Christmas
Fayre, they did an amazing job.
On the day they took nearly £650 !!!
The children competed in their Houses to make the most profit
and these are the results:
Herons - £ 170 . 48
Robins - £ 164 . 77
Magpies - £ 160 . 78
Puffins - £ 142 . 85 |
Over 20 of our children have guitar lessons every week.
This is one of the groups performing a song from Mama Mia in assembly
Tuesday 24th November was Christmas Craft Day.
It was fantastic that so many parents were able to come in and
help our children
make Christmas Crafts to sell and the Christmas Fayre.
1 have been building scarecrows to protect
our school
garden. |
We all had a very busy day on Tuesday 14th October when we welcomed
60 guests for a Harvest Meal.
It was a real team effort, with excellent food prepared by our kitchen
staff, wonderful singing from
our choir and Year 6 children waiting tables and acting as hosts.
course it wasn't all hard work .....
The stage is taking shape and rehersals are well under way .....

not check out our Drama and Music page.
Term Dates
Friday 2nd October - Brass Tuition begins
Friday 9th October - Kathy Recycle visiting school
Monday 12th October - Planetarium visiting school
Monday 13th / Tuesday 14th October - Parents Evenings
Friday 23rd October - Last Surfing session
Halloween Disco
Monday 26th - Friday 30th October - Half Term Break
Thursday 5th Novemebr - First school visit for January intake
December 15th / 16th / 17th - Cristmas Play
Friday 18th December - Last Day of Term
Additional dates will be added as they are arranged.
back to the top
Class 3 had a fantastic time at
the Northcott Theatre in Exeter
They had a brilliant time watching
"How the Giraffe got its Neck".
We've been asked to support the opening of new bird hides on the
lower Tamar Lakes.
We wont just be attending the opening we'll also be setting up
an exhibition of our art work.
To make sue that we draw and paint the right birds we've been
bird watching.
We've been studying rocks this term in Class 5 and we
seem to have found one on this field trip !

you're desperate to find out what we're
up to so why not click on the image to visit our
Class 5 page and find out.
It's Audition Time Again !!!
These are the hopeful children before
our auditions.
If you want to Know who got the main parts,
and what the play is, click the photo.
Some of us had loads of fun judging the village Scarecrow
Competition at the end of September.
The winning
Scarecrows were in the Olympics (top left). They were
created by Lois, Wills and Ollie who go to our school.
2007 - 2008
The latest school newspaper has
been produced by the children in Class 5.
If you haven't got one yet they are available in local shops
and from school.
Year 6 Leaver’s Assembly
Our leaver’s assembly was really good. Lots of certificates
and awards were given out and all of the parents cried
when we said goodbye to the children. Some of the Year 6 children
cried too.
to the winners of our annual awards for academic and sporting
achievement and effort.
We are very proud of all of these children because of
their outstanding attitude during their years at Bradworthy
Achievement :
Madeline Snell
Duncan Martyn
Academic Effort :
Jessica Stracey - Cheel
Matthew Carter
Achievement :
Harley - Jo Richards
Matthew Carter
Sporting Effort :
Victoria Urquhart
Joseph Fenney
Arts :
Jessica Stracey - Cheel
Matthew Smart
It was sunny at our Leaver’s BBQ this year and we all had
a really cool time.
There was a band, football, Welly Wanging and loads of bouncy
castles and assault courses.
There was a BBQ, a bar and lots of stalls.
The best bit was gunging Mr Stephenson. He was in the stocks and
we paid to throw some really disgusting stuff at him.
The PTA sorted the BBQ out and we would like to say thank you
for a really good night.

It's Official, Bradworthy Has Got Talent !!!
Got Talent.
had a talent contest last week and it was really cool.
Everyone said how good all of the acts were. It was really
great that young kids and older kids were all taking part.
had a team of judges who said what they thought of the
acts. Matt, Vicki and Lianne were really nice judges but
Robin was mean, just like Simon on TV.
of our parents came to watch.
All of the children and all of the parents voted. These
were the results:
2nd Rockin Ravers
3rd Rachael
played the drums and he was completely amazing. Mr Stephenson
sais that he had paid money to watch bands with drummers
who weren’t as good as Joseph.
point Cup
Every day
we can get badges for doing good things in school.
Every week we can get special gold badges for trying hard,
doing good work, showing good manners, helping other people and
things like this.
These badges and stickers give us points and our Houses try to
win the House Point Cup every year.

This is this years result:
1st - Robins
2nd - Magpies
3rd - Herons
4th - Puffins
Everyone did
really well.
Well done Robins.
Why are these
childen so happy, and dressed for the middle
of winter ?
Click on this picture to find out !

This is Rockin Ravers recording their first song.
Lots of our children have guitar lessons every
Perhaps someone will go on to become a mega-star one day.
Keep watching Simon Cowel.
Click on this picture to find out why these boys are so tired.

Our Year 6 Children have taken part in this Year's Junior Life
Skills event
at Fremington Camp.
As you can see they had a great time finding out how to be safe.

The children in Years 5 and 6 have
been on a couple of science visits
recently. They've been finding out about the environment and space.
Check out the Class 5 page (go to Year Groups and Classes first)
find out what they have to say about the trips.

and the Giant Peach
Click on this picture of James to enter the magical
world of
The Giant Peach ...............
can even download a video clip of the beautiful song Dreamories
if you follow the link.
We are currently selling a DVD of the whole play in school and
this clip will give
you an idea of how wonderful the play really was.
If you watch Dreamories and decide you would like a copy
please get in touch with our office.
Christmas Craft Fayre
This Year's Craft Fayre was organised and run by
the children who are in Class 5.
They worked in their House Teams and were given a budget of £25.
Each team was given responsibility for selling the Christmas crafts
made by one of the other Classes and the
things that they had made themselves. They also had to organise
activities, games and competitions.
There challenge was to make as big a profit as possible.
The children were only given two days to prepare so the pressure
was on !
It was a bit like a Bradworthy School version of the Apprentice.
Which teams would get the sack !!!
I have to say that I thought the children did an amazing job and
between them they managed
to more than double the profit that the fayre made last year !
the teams were called to the boardroom and these are the results:
£ 203.61
Puffins £ 161.69
Magpies £ 150.11
Robins £ 122.95
This photo shows the winning team,
Herons, writing a report on
how they thought the fayre went.
Click on the photo to read what their report says.
Child Care
From Monday 15th November
we will be offering a child care facility in school each morning.
Parents will be able to drop children off at 8.00am each day.
For more information download the 2nd November 2007 newsletter
from the foot of this page.
Check out the drama / music page for an announcement about
our Christmas Play.
School Buildings
Did you know that the number of children on our
school roll is expected to be over 140
after Christmas.
This is a record for our school and with the village continuing
to grow we are presented
with a range of challenges for the future.
The central problem is simple - we don't have enough space in
school for all the children we have.
We would love to form a 6th Class in the near future but we have
nowhere to base it.
Our governors have outlined some key areas for
development and we are working to make them happen:
new classroom
new purpose built area for playgroup
new, and bigger, school hall
covered outdoor area for younger children to work in
rooms for sport
school kitchens
staffroom and staff toilets
storage space
energy efficient ways of servicing the school
This is a big list but we are all committed to
developing our school and we believe that
if we work together and are determined then all of the above
will prove possible.
anyone has any comments or ideas please get in touch.
from Natwest Bank
thanks to Karen Seagar who organised our sponsored walk this year.
As a result of the walk's success
she was able to get £500 from Natwest Bank.
Thank you to Natwest too.
Each year the school gets a Value Added Score from the government
which reflects how well our children progress in
English, Maths and Science as they move through the school.
I’m sure you will be pleased to hear that our value added
score is very good again this year. Once again we are in the top
of schools nationally and this is excellent because it shows that
our children
are developing really well no matter what their ability.

on the banks of the river Torridge is just one of the things we've
been doing.
Check out the School Trips page and the Class pages to find out
School Garden
Go to the school grounds page to see some
photos of us working in the new school garden.
It was wonderful to welcome
so many people in to school for our annual Harvest Meal.
As always we would like to say a big thank you to Janet
and Angie for their excellent work preparing the meal. By
the time they had served both our children and guests they
had cooked over 150 meals which is quite an achievement.
We were very proud of the children in Year 6 who really
impressed us with their hard work in greeting our guests
and in waiting the tables. Their enthusiasm, friendly nature
and excellent manners were a real credit to the school.
Clubs :
(Autumn 2007 )
Lunch |
School |
Monday |
Cross Country Running
( Year 6 ) |
Tuesday |
Drama |
Wednesday |
Rugby (Years 5 and 6) |
( Years 5 and 6 )
Thursdsay |
Tag Rugby (Years 3 and 4)
Key Stage 1 Multi Sports
( KS2 )
Netball ( KS2 ) |
Friday |
Stage 1 Football
Girl's Football
( Years 5 and 6 ) |
- 2007
As always we said goodbye
and goodluck to our Year 6 children at
our leavers assembly at the end of the Summer Term.
I think this poem, written by on eof the Year 6 girls (who wants
to remain anonymous)
sums the occasion up perfectly.
the teachers of Bradworthy Primary,
We'd like to thank you all.
For being such great teachers,
picking us up when we fall.
Theres been laughs,
Theres been tears,
Theres been fun things,
And facing fears.
Netballs been great,
Drama was a ball.
Music full of fun,
We've liked playtime most of all.
Our friends have stuck by us,
Right from Key Stage one,
We've had creative discussions,
but also lots of fun.
These last few years,
The best of us has come out,
W e've learnt how to be quiet,
And also how to shout.
To think we've completed Bradworthy,
Of which we're very proud.
Whatever we do in the future,
We'll always be part of Bradworthy's crowd.
It's our turn to say goodbye,
Our future follows our heart,
Wherever we end up,
We'll always remember you taught us from the start.
Assembly / Award
to the winners of our annual awards for academic and sporting
achievement and effort.
We are very proud of all of these children because of
their outstanding attitude during their years at Bradworthy
Achievement :
Meg Furse
Zak Smart
Academic Effort :
Becky Andrew
Fraser Martyn
Achievement :
Jade Gifford
Thomas Vallance
Sporting Effort :
Daniella Stevens
Connor Morris |
School Status
children from Class 5 are braving the rain
to celebrate the award of our Healthy School Status.
The school was inspected during the
Summer Term and I am delighted to be able to inform you
that as a result of this we have been awarded “Healthy
Schools Status.”
This means that the many things which we have done over
the years to promote the health and fitness of the children
who attend our school have been officially recognised.
The award is an indication that things like the children’s
activity levels and the sporting opportunities we give
them are very good. It is also a reflection on the quality
of our school meals and break service and on the children’s
understanding of what it means to eat in a balanced and
healthy way.
Perhaps even more importantly than the above the award
is an excellent reflection on the way in which our children
treat each other and those around them.
I often tell the children that the best thing about our
school is the children who come here because of the wonderful
way in which they conduct themselves and I think that
this award highlights this.
I would like to thank everyone for their commitment to
making Bradworthy School a healthy and productive environment
for our children to learn in. This includes the children
themselves, our staff and of course you as parents.
Our children are organised in to four houses and
during the year they are awarded points for things like putting
in effort, excellent work,
good behaviour, manners, being helpful and a range of things which
are worthy of note.
The children can earn badges during the week and in addition to
this they are also given a gold headteachers award
for anything which is consodered to be exceptional each week.
These achievements are celebrated each Friday at our "Gold
Book" assembly.
The points are compiled and at the end of each year we announce
our annual House Champions.
1162 points
1094 points
1026 points
Robins 1002 points
We would all like to a say a really big well done
to all our children and especially those who are in Robins.
Sponsored Walk, 2007
On 12th June Bradworthy School
went to Lympscott Farm to do a sponsored walk. We walked around
the Tamar Lakes and back.
We all went the the same way but the younger ones set off first
and got back first. We met for lunch at the lale playground.
Janet and Angie (the dinner ladies) brought packed lunces out
to the lakes.
Lots of the younger ones mums walked with them.
At the end of the walk we had ice cream and juice at Lympscott
Interactive Whitboards
The School has had interactive
whiteboards installed in Classes 1, 3, 4 and 5 this term.
Their installation has incurred a huge financial outlay and we
would like to thank
our PTA for their support.
The boards are already being used very effectively to support
teaching and learning.
Red Nose Day
We had another crazy day in school supporting Comic Relief.
The pictures show our silly dance competition, the Red Nose cake
stall, silly sports on the palyground
and everyones favourite - "Gunge the Teacher."
As you can see the children all came in fancy dress.
Thank You to
everyone who helped
us raise an amazing
£188 |
Bradworthy School in National Top 20
Year the government publishes information to do with school standards
and this
year's data places us in the top 20 schools nationally.
Each year
information is published by the government which gives information
about how well our children are
performing in English, maths and science. A school's value added
score measures how well
children progress as they go through the school.
Bradworthy's Value Added score in 2006 placed us 20th position
nationally and 1st in Devon this year.
This means that the progress that our children made is the 20th
best in the country.
We are obviously very pleased with this result because it shows
how well our children are doing, however what makes us
especially pleased is that this academic success comes alongside
a huge range of
other experiences (such as trips, our play and all the clubs we
run to name only a few things) which we
offer our children and which we are equally proud of.
Murder at Bradworthy School !!!
Here at Bradworthy School there has been
a terrible crime.....
Someone has gone and murdered old Marmaduke. But don't be alarmed
this is just another Christmas exravaganza.
Click here to find
out all about "Murder at Muddlestone
Trips in October
Dartmoor |
Around Bude |
Planning |
Quay |
Harvest Meal on Friday 20th October was lovely and I think
that all of our guests had a good time.
As always we are very grateful to Janet
and Angie in our kitchen because the event would not have
been possible without their hard work.
Everyone commented on the excellent standard of the food
and I think it is well worth remembering that our children
get this quality of food every day.
I would like to compliment the children
in Year 6 who waited on the tables and more generally
were excellent hosts. They were a real credit to themselves
and the school and I am very proud of them.
choir sang beautifully, providing excellent entertainment
at the end of the meal
2005 - 2006
Assembly / Award
to the winners of our annual awards for academic and sporting
achievement and effort.
We are very proud of all of these children because of
their outstanding attitude during their years at Bradworthy
Achievement :
Freya Holding
Oliver Bently-Jones
Academic Effort :
Jessie Bayliss
Bradley Howells
Achievement :
Amy Neil
Shane Shadrick
Sporting Effort :
Debbie Jones
Bradley Howells |
World Record
Bradworthy teams, Langtree, Instow, Wolfardisworthy, Otterham,
Halwill and Highampton set a world record in maypoling
on Wednesday the 12th of July which was held in Bradworthy
and shown on TV!
from bradworthy school rapped up the ribbons so they were
straight and wouldn’t snap. On the morning Mr Furber
and a couple of boys unwrapped the ribbons and handed
them over to Mr Dawson so he could tie them onto the pole.
Mr Dawson our music teacher organised a world record attempt
in maypoling, he asked 7 schools to come to bradworthy
playing fields and dance around a 25 foot pole. He asked
the Guinness world records if it was ok and they sent
Mr Dawson a letter of permission so he could proceed in
doing the world record. Tim Paine put two metal poles
together and stuck it firmly into the centre of the football
Two news groups came ITV and the BBC! Kids from Bradworthy
and other schools got interviewed, Mr Dawson interviewed
and so did Tim Paine.
did 3 dances, Rainbow Criss Cross, Spider Web and Duck
Bill it’s a Platypus.
It was a great success, on the last dance at the end we
chucked our ribbons into the air. The whole thing took
1 hour.
The first dance was great, we had to skip around the maypole
holding onto the ribbon. It was warm but very windy so
we had to hold onto the ribbons tightly.
The second dance was a wacky dance, we stood a metre away
from people and we had to walk towards them but not normally,
we had to do the craziest dance we could.
The third and final dance was `the hardest, we had to
go round the maypole lifting your ribbon over people and
going under then or going under over depending on the
colour of your ribbon.
By Elliot Lewis.
On the
summit of Snowdon. |
The Roman
Baths. |
Key Stage 2 children took part in two fantastic residential
trips duringthe summer term.
Our older children (Years 5 and 6) spent 5 days in Snowdonia
and our younger children 3 days in Bristol.
To all about the trips and to see loads of pictures click
the above link to School Trips. |
Classroom Assistants
are delighted to welcome three new members of staff who will be
supporting our children in school.
Our youngest children, in Class 1, will be working with Nikki
Martyn and Helen Carey and the children in Class 2 will
be working with Teena Cann.
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all three of
them to Bradworthy School.
I am sure we will all have an excellent time working together
and I know that their appointments will
be to the great benefit to all of the children in these classes.
On Friday 23rd June Bradworthy Primary
school went to Lympscott Farm to do a sponsored walk around
the Tamar Lakes.
We left school at 9:30 to get to the fm
for 10:00. Parents very kindly came into school to drive
so we could get there on time. When we got there the children
all ran around on the lawn while the teachers got themselves
organised. We started to walk at 10:15.
There were to different routes, a longer
one for the older children (key stage 2) and a shorter
on for the younger children (key stage 1)
The older children walked up the lane for a while then
went in a field on to a path which lead them to the woods
and lake.
While the little ones went through a little gate on the
lawn and up a stone lane to the lake. It took about 2
hours to get round but we all made it in the end.
When lake when we got to the lake the kitchen staff brought
every ones packed lunch. After lunch we started to walk
When we got back to the fm there were ice-creams which
were very kindly donated by Tommy James . then we all
went back to school for a very relaxing afternoon.
The Children really enjoyed themselves
and have made lots of money for the future.
Meg Furse and Hannah Petherick
During the Easter holidays the school received
some new computers.
These computers are faster and easier to use.
The school
had 7 new black computers and 3 of its original white computers
updated to Windows XP through Remedy-IT.
The P.T.A has helped by raising £5000 to buy the new equipment.
Also we had an Art competition organised by the
P.T.A to draw the best Easter holiday picture.
“The computers are faster, easier to use and in addition
to this there are 2 more than before making a
grand total of 12 computers,” quoted Mr Stephenson.
“The new computers are easier to save work on and another
benefit is you can access your work from any computer, before
the new computers you could only
access the work from the computer you saved it on,” quoted
Ruth Payne.
By David Fairbrother.
Whitley Turns into Mrs Hare !
Class 1’s teacher Miss Whitley was
married in the summer
term 2006.
In July 2006
our class 1 teacher got married.
Her new name is Mrs Anna Hare and her husband is called Mr Harry
She travelled all the way to her home town of Brighton to get
married because that’s where all
her family live, which is really
sad because we weren’t able to watch
the wedding.
The whole
of Bradworthy school wished her well on her big day and presented
her with flowers, presents and tokens.
By Daniella
visited the school on Wednesday 22nd March.
did workshops with each class and the children had a fantastic,
and very noisy time.
Art Competition
PTA are running an art competition this term which will give the
children an excellent opportunity to show off their talents.
The children will need to produce any piece of art on the theme
of spring. It could be a drawing, a painting, a collage, work
done in pastels or anything else that they can think of.
Work should be produced on A4 paper and each entry will cost 50p.
The closing date is 3rd April.
Carol Service
ended the Autumn Term with a carol service in Bradworthy Church.
We sang a range of traditional and modern carols and there were
readings from some of the older children.
Rev. Dorrington said prayers.
As always it was lovely to share this event with lots of parents.
Christmas Meal / Party / Disco
annual Christmas meal took place on Friday 16th December.
We served nearly 120 meals with our staff acting as waiters and
waitresses for the children.
There was Christmas music, crackers, party poppers and hundreds
of balloons were dropped from the ceiling.
On Monday 19th December Classes 1 and 2 had their Christmas Party.
Children in Classes 3, 4 and 5 had a disco during the evening.
Island of Treasure
Christmas Play was a huge success thanks to everyone's hard work.
The children performed to three packed houses and we were all
very proud of their efforts.
Click on the above link for the full story and loads of photos
which you are free to download.
Christmas Caft Day and Fayre.
On Thursday 1st
December we were delighted to welcome lots of our parents into
school to work with our children.
Everyone had an excellent day.
We made loads of wonderful things which we sold at the craft fayre
on Saturday 3rd December.
We raised nearly £300 which will be used to pay for things
loike the Christmas Party and Disco.
Snow !
don't get much snow in North Devon so Friday 25th November
was a day to remember.
And the best thing was that school was closed !!!
When the children started arriving at 8.30am there wasn't
a flake of snow anywhere, but by 9.00am we had an inch.
By the time the last of our children was collected at 11.30am
over 6 inches had fallen and the snow didn't stop until
the middle of the afternoon.
The photos show children, staff and parents in the middle
of a snow ball fight, and building a snowman.
They show how much fun education can be !!! |
of Autumn Term
We've had an excellent start to the term. Everyone has come back
refreshed after the summer break and we are
looking forward to another good year in school. we're sure to
get up to a great range of exciting activities.
It is lovely to welcome Anna Whitley to our Foundation Class and
Becki Daniel to Class 4.
I know that they will both prove to be great additions to our
It is also lovely to welcome Angela Davies to Class 3 in her new
role as a Key Stage 2 teacher and
to welcome Robin Lewis back as sports coach after a year away
from Bradworthy.
All of the above represent a great deal of change in school but
this is very positive and after
a difficult 18 months we are all very positive about the future.
Playground Opening
( check out the school grounds page for more photographs
and information )
Class 5 have been following the River Torridge from its source
near Brimford
Bridge to its mouth at Appledore.

( more information and pictures are on Class 5's
web page which can be accessed through Year Groups and Classes
2 and 5 have been out and about over the last week looking
at a local river and an
ice-cream factory.
If you want to find out more look at the class pages under
Year Groups and Classes.
annual Harvest Meal took place on Tuesday 18th October in
the School Hall.
We welcomed 60 grandparents and older people from the village
and children from Class 5 worked as waiters.
Harvest based entertainment was provided by our choir and
we were very grateful to
Ann Stevens who accompanied them on the piano.
A local roast beef meal was prepared by Janet, Angie and
Caroline in our school kitchens
and everyone commented how fantastic this was.
Our children are verey lucky to get this standard of food
every day !
The meal was a great success and I would like to say how
proud I was of the way
in which our children both worked and behaved.
They were a great credit to themselves and the school.
2004 - 2005
The children in Years 5 and 6 enjoyed a very successful and enjoyable
trip to London the week before last. We had a fantastic time visiting
The London Eye, The National Gallery, St Paul’s Cathedral,
The Houses of Parliament, The British Museum, Madam Tausaud’s,
The Planetarium and Thorpe Park. We also took part in a trip on
the river Thames, went to the cinema, 10 pin bowling, ice skating
and to see The Lion King at the theatre.
This is us
on the London Eye.
It has to be admitted that the view out the window was alot better
than this lot !
of the stars had a chance to meet us!
two didn't have very much to say for themselves though. |
of this said we ended up having a very difficult day on Thursday when
a terrorist attack took place in Central London.
At the time of the attack we were travelling on our own coach ( rather
than the underground which we had been using throughout the week ) and
we spent the morning having an excellent time at Madam Tausaude’s
completely oblivious to everything which was going on.
Obviously parents back in school were hearing about the horrific events
which were taking place and because the telephone network was down there
was a terrible couple of hours when we couldn’t be contacted. As
I am sure you can imagine this was an extremely difficult and traumatic
period of time for the parents of the children who were away.
gave serious consideration to returning home early, however the children
were keen to visit Thorpe Park on Friday and as we could see no risk to
their safety we decided that this was the most reasonable course of action.
I would
like to place on record the extremely sensible and mature way in which
the children dealt with this situation. We were all very proud of them.
I would
also like to take this opportunity to extend our deepest sympathies to
everyone who was involved in, or effected by, the terrible events of last
Thursday. The thoughts of everyone at Bradworthy School are with them.
As it has turned out we have all returned home safely and for this we
are all eternally grateful, especially as so many have not.

School has Supported a Number of Charities.
school supports a range of charities each year including support
for our local Air Ambulance and The North Devon Children's Hospice.
In January the children raised over £400 for the Tsunami Relief
Fund and, as these pictures show, we were fully involved in Red
Nose Day.
As usual the Headteacher got gunged ! |
School News Letters :
September 16th 2005
October 6th 2005
14th 2005
21st 2005
31st 2005
18th 2005
December 5th 2005
December 19th 2005
January 12th 2006
February 7th 2006
March 9th 2006
4th 2006
April 2006
15th May 2006
8th June 2006
22nd June 2006
12th July 2006
26th July 2006
8th September 2006
5th October 2006
20th October 2006
27th November 2006
18th December 2006
13th February 2007
9th March 2007
5th April 2007
1st May 2007
22nd May 2007
15th June 2007
26th June 2007
9th July 2007
25th July 2007
14th September 2007
28th September 2007
8th October 2007
2nd November 2007
14th November 2007
4th December 2007
17th December 2007
25th January 2008
28th March 2008
Walk Letter (June 2008)
June 2008
4th July 2008
17th July 2008
5th September 2008
16th September 2008
2nd October 2008
14th October 2008
5th November 2008
12th November 2008
27th November 2008
15th December 2008
2nd February 2009
24th February 2009
6th March 2009
20th March 2009
29th April 2009
15th May 2009
22nd May 2009
1st June 2009
12th June 2009
14th July 2009
17th July 2009
11th September 2009
2nd October 2009
23rd October 2009
16th November 2009
4th December 2009
17th December 2009
18th January 2010
2nd February 2010
12th March 2010
24th March 2010
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